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DIY Pink Tower and Brown Stairs

As our daughter approaches 3 years of age, we know that it's time to start thinking about materials for her primary work (we're also trying to start a co-op, but that's another story!). One of the first materials introduced to 3-year-olds (and an iconic Montessori material) is the Pink Tower.  Have you heard of it? It's 10 cubes, from 1x1x1cm to 10x10x10cm, stacked on top of each other. It's a sensorial material used to help children learn size discrimination, refine their sense of "smaller" and "larger" (and "smallest" and "largest"). Also, it's PINK.  Naturally, being the DIY family we are, we couldn't just shell out $50 (or more!) for it. We had to do it ourselves. Personally, making something is part of the experience for me. I feel more connected to the materials, and it seems like our daughter feels similarly. She got to watch the whole process of them being built, and just like when I make her a dress or ...

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